Everything You Need To Know About PODOSmart

Before we dive right in and tell you everything you need to know about PODOSmart, we need to address a few key points!

  • PODOSmart is the latest in cutting edge biomechanical technology. The technology allows us here at The Foot Company to accurately measure and analyse your walking profile and analyse your gait to refine your diagnosis.

  • PODOSmart analysis is available at our Bury Foot Clinic location.

  • How it works? (The simple version) The patient walks using the connected insoles. Smart insoles must be placed in the patients shoes and calibrated for each patient. Up to 15 minutes of data can then be collected.

What is a Biomechanical Assessment?

Foot health is an important factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude. A biomechanical evaluation (aka biomechanical assessment) involves an in-depth analysis of the lower limbs, with a detailed understanding of their structure, alignment, strengths and weaknesses. Podiatrists, like ourselves, know how to assess foot structure and needs to help consumers strengthen, heal and reposition their feet.

What is PODOSmart?

The PodoSmart system is a wearable body sensor technology that accurately measures to feet, walk speed, and stride length in real life conditions. It features a 6-pairs of intelligent insoles covering UK sizes 3 to 12.5. An easy-to-use web interface allows clinicians to view the data recorded by the PodoSmart system.

The intelligent insoles feature a whole host of sensors designed to detect tiny foot movements. These data points can be used to monitor foot injury and detect abnormalities.


What happens at my PODOSmart appointment?

  1. The PODOSmart® insoles are placed within your shoes.

  2. A short walk in the clinic is required to calibrate the insoles to your individual walking profile.

  3. Then a walk of up to 15 minutes is carried out. During this walk, we are collecting detailed information on your walking profile.

  4. The results are then analysed on a computer/tablet by our one of The Foot Company practitioners to provide a comprehensive review of your biomechanical efficiency.

What happens after a Biomechanical Assessment?

So you have biomechanical assessment results. What happens to your feet after that? There are many different types of treatments that can be done, depending on the results. For people with good structural and functional foot mechanics, we may perform physical therapy and suggest stretches and other at-home exercises to improve muscle strength and balance. Simple changes, such as wearing trainers or using orthotics, will help reduce the risk of foot problems. We may also suggest custom orthotics if these would benefit you.

Where can I have a PODOSmart Biomechanical Assessment?

PODOSmart Biomechanical Assessments are available from The Foot Company Bury clinic. You can schedule an appointment by calling us on 0161 764 3951 or using our contact page.

Contact Us If You Think You Could Benefit From PODOSmart

Alternatively you can book an appointment using our online booking system.